Within this page, you will find Zigbits Network Design Webinars. These are Free Zigbits Network Design Webinars for you to participate in. Come have some fun! Our next webinar can usually be found at the top of the list and the registration link will be https://zigbits.tech/webinar.
We are working on the scheduling for our next Network Design Webinar. When we have it scheduled we will update this page with all of the details. While you wait we have some of our past Webinar recordings below:
If there is any specific topics you would like covered on a future Zigbits Network Design Webinar please let us know!
Here are recordings of some of our past Network Design Webinars we’ve done over the years
CCDE or Evolving Technologies? What do you NEED to do?
In this Webinar series we answered the following questions and much more:
- How would the CCDE help you today and in the future?
- Will CCDE actually impact your progress on Evolving Technologies or will it help you?
- How would Evolving Technologies help you with the CCDE and Network Design?
- With Evolving Technologies, do you still need to know how to design?
- How to stay up to date with Evolving Technologies while making sure you master the old?
- Hear all about the CCDE Version 3 changes, the good, the bad, and the ugly!
- Make Your Mindset a Network Design Mindset!
- Network Designer vs Network Architect – Whats the difference?
Learn How to Architect Cutting Edge Data Centers, Private Cloud and Multi-Cloud Architectures
In this Webinar series we covered the following topics from a Network Design perspective
- Private Cloud and DC Architectures
- Data Center Interconnect (DCI) Options and New Trends
- How to Architect Modern Cutting Edge Data Centers
- How to Establish and Secure Connectivity to a Public and Multi-Cloud environment.