Cisco Live 2021 Network Design Sessions – ZNDP 085

Cisco Live 2021 Network Design Sessions

Its that time of the year friends!

It’s Cisco Live time, next week!  And that means its time for my list of Cisco Live 2021 Network Design Sessions.  If you are looking to just be a better network designer, or if you are going after your CCNP ENSLD or the CCDE, this show is for you.

Let’s go!

Cisco Live 2021 Network Design Sessions – ZNDP 085


      Cisco Live 2021 Network Design Sessions

      What’s up, everybody? I hope everyone is doing great.  Zig Zsiga here and welcome to episode 85 of the Zigbits Network Design Podcast. My Name is Zig Zsiga, I’m here to help you with Network Engineering, Network Design, and Network Architecture, and today we are going to cover down on my list of Cisco Live 2021 Network Design Sessions. 

      Before we jump in, I want to tell you about something truly awesome! At the request of the Zigbits Discord Community, I have opened my Network Design Course: Designing Network Architecures – Ensuring Business Success!  Yes, it’s open right now. The Zigbtis Discord Community asked me to be Agile and to publish what’s already completed, so I have. Stage 1 – 5 of my course is published. I am working on the last 3 stages, and they will be published as soon as they are done.

      The purpose of this course is to make you the best network designer you can be.  It’s targeting everyone in this amazing Network Industry, no matter if you are just starting out or if you are a 30-year veteran Network engineer.  This course is going to change your career and your life. 

      If you are interested and want to hear more, click here! Use the discount code BESTNETWORKDESIGNER, one word, all caps, to save 10% at checkout. If you have any questions, you can reach out to me on Discord or email me at

      You’ll Learn

      • What Cisco Live 2021 sessions are Network Design focused
      • The specific Case studies that you should watch to help you on a daily bases
      • How to choose the best Network Design Decision
      • Why did we add DevNet specific sessions to the list this year?
      • How to be a better Network Designer

      Cisco Live 2021 Network Design Sessions

      #Session IDSession Title
      1BRKACI-1003ACI Brownfield Migration – Real World Experiences and Best Practice
      2BRKACI-2008End-2-End Policy from the Campus to the DC and Back, A Packet Journey with SDA to ACI
      3BRKACI-2398Ansible and Terraform – Accelerating ACI Fabric Deployments
      4BRKACI-2591Data Center Journey to Multi-Cloud Using Automation and ACI Anywhere
      5BRKARC-2018Are Your Endpoints Trustworthy?
      6BRKCLD-2027Lessons Learned by Infrastructure Engineers Running “Production” Apps on Kubernetes
      7BRKCLD-2036AI-Ops, Infrastructure as Code and Applications Optimization
      8BRKCLD-2086ITOps in a DevOps World – How to Utilize Intersight, Kubernetes, and Terraform to Converge the Worlds!
      9BRKCOC-2001Cisco Zero Trust and Cisco ITs Journey to a Secure Remote Working Experience
      10BRKCOC-2008Where The Rubber Meets the Road: Customer Zero’s Journey to Multi-Site SDA
      11BRKDCN-2003Data Center Operations and Maintenance Best Practices
      12BRKDCN-2453Cloud Network Designs Integrating with Modern Compute and Storage in the Data Center
      13BRKDCN-3003Advanced Case Studies on Troubleshooting VXLAN BGP EVPN Multi-Site
      14BRKDCN-3004Advanced QoS Troubleshooting Using Case Studies on Nexus Cloud scale ASICs
      15BRKDEV-1001DevNet: The Power of NetDevOps from Customers to Partners
      16BRKDEV-2003DevNet: Contact Tracing Using Your Network as a Sensor
      17BRKEMT-2102Real World Use Cases for Deploying and Operating Cisco SD-Access
      18BRKENS-2003Enterprise Campus BGP EVPN Deep Dive
      19BRKENS-2007Top Design Questions for Cisco SD-Access
      20BRKENS-3000Lessons Learned from Deployment of Large Scale Multi-Domain IBN Architectures in SDA, SDWAN and ACI
      21BRKENT-1444Enable the Safe Return to Office with Smart Buildings
      22BRKEWN-2040High Availability Design with Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controllers
      23BRKEWN-2051Catalyst Wireless – Optimize Your Wireless Network for Real Time and Mobile Clients
      24BRKIOT-2007Connected and Intelligent Roadways: Architecture and Use Cases
      25BRKOPT-1003Open DWDM Systems and Use Cases
      26BRKOPT-2010Routed Optical Networking Solution
      27BRKSEC-2105Zero Trust for Workloads: Segmentation From the Remote User to the Application in few Simple Steps
      28BRKSEC-2415The Future of Network Security is in the Cloud with Cisco SASE!
      29BRKSPG-20274G and 5G for Private Networks
      30BRKSPG-2036Realize Seamless End to End, Application Centric Network Slicing with Distributed DC Fabric & SR/MPLS WAN Integration
      31BRKSPG-20605G transport Design Strategies, Considerations and Best Practices
      32CSSCLD-1003Riot Games is Powering the Future of Esports with Cisco Cloud and Data Center Technologies
      33CSSENS-1001How to Modernize Your Network for the Future
      34CSSSPG-1012Automation Case Study of Tier I Service Provide (US)


      ZNDP 085: Cisco Live 2021 Network Design Sessions

      Zig Zsiga: Cisco Live 2021 Network Design Sessions - Episode 85

      Zig Zsiga: Its that time of the year friends!

      It's Cisco Live time, next week! And that means its time for my list of Cisco Live 2021 Network Design Sessions. If you are looking to just be a better network designer, or if you are going after your CCNP ENSLD or the CCDE, this show is for you.

      Let’s go!

      Zig Zsiga: Welcome back My Friends, Nerds, Geeks, and Ziglets out there. We have another episode of the Zigbits Network Design Podcast (ZNDP), where Zigabytes are faster than Gigabytes. We strive to provide real-world context around technology!

      Zig Zsiga: What's up everybody? I hope everyone is doing great. Zig Zsiga here and welcome to episode 85 of the Zigbits Network Design Podcast. My Name is Zig Zsiga, I’m here to help you with Network Engineering, Network Design, and Network Architecture, and today we are going to cover down on my list of Cisco Live 2021 Network Design Sessions.

      Zig Zsiga: [1:22] Before we jump in though I want to tell you about something truly and I mean truly awesome.

      At the request of the zigbits Discord Community I have opened up my network design course yes it's open right now

      so here's the scenario the situation the zigbits Discord Community asked me to be agile and to publish what's already completed so I have

      stage 1 through Stage 5 of my course is published I'm working the last three stages currently and as soon as they are ready to be published they will be out there for all the consumers

      the purpose again of this course is to make you the best network designer you can be it's targeted to

      everyone in this amazing Network industry Network community no matter if you're just starting out

      coming out of college coming out of high school or if you have been a 30-year veteran network engineer know what designer Network architect this course is going to change your career.

      [2:18] And your life hey if you're interested and want to hear more go to zigbits dot text / DNA

      hey in until April 30th 2021 you can use this discount code best network designer

      all one word all caps to save 10% at checkout

      if you have any questions you can reach out to me in the Discord server or on my email at zsiga to zigbits Dot

      so next week starts Cisco live 2021 and this is go live is different its unique even.

      [2:50] Unique from last year's first digital event

      this year it's a merger of multiple Cisco lives worldwide together into one Cisco live so we are merging Cisco live us

      or Americas

      in the world merging Cisco live Europe and Asia pack all in the one digital massive event that's happening next week now the dates are different depending on where you are

      the Americas is happening March 30th and 31st the apj a BJC and the mirror are happening March 31st and April 1st

      and you can go to Cisco to check out the dates anymore information about the broadcast event what's happening live what's happening on demand Etc just by going to Cisco not live Cisco live

      cop I can't do this

      that's funny so a couple things I want to highlight today before we get into the session list of network design focused session list will be quick will be clear when we concise so real quick there's going to be different sessions

      types this year there's sessions over you there's a broadcast sessions which means there's our live broadcast sessions that are happening during the event there's about a hundred and five of them

      and there's a group of.

      [4:02] Anytime sessions are on demand sessions which are 378 of them and then we have connected learning sessions where some additional sessions those are a hundred and twenty-seven and those are all proximate numbers at the time of recording and checking the catalog

      now I want to go through a couple things that are in the catalog so you are aware that they are options for you.

      [4:24] So first thing okay the way that they have broken out the catalog this year we have different channels now these are different channels that the sessions are going to be

      aired on if you will so we have the Innovation Channel leadership Channel and powered teams Channel transformation infrastructure Channel and I mean they have a number of channels that you can choose from so you have an option here to choose some

      the channel based on the name of what you're focusing on but then you also have what's called learning Maps so if you go in and you need to learn a specific.

      Technology or architecture

      bucket like let's say you're going to learn Cloud you can click the Cloud Learning map and there's specific subsets and that cloud learning that there's one for application experience and multi-cloud solutions and if you click one of those bubbles you will get the

      list of sessions.

      The fall into that learning map so it's really quick really quick clear and quick for you to identify hey I'm going to focus on my cloud

      and multi Cloud Solutions so you get a quick list of all the sessions that are filling into that learning map which is kind of cool right so if you're focus on an exam or a technology bucket or an architecture like data center or just networking or security

      that's what those returning maps are there for you then we also have what's called session type in the session type is there's a lot of different session types this

      here there's birds of a feather there's breakout which were familiar with there's customer success story there's does not work Dev Network shop not Dev not Workshop there's death.

      [5:51] Porkchop there's Hands-On labs.

      Innovation talk keynote which we all know that the keynote is I think at this time we got lightning talks meet the author we got PSO which is product or strategy overview and then thought leadership so a lot of different options for session types and you're going to want to pick the ones that make the sense for you.

      [6:08] And we still have our technology bubbles or we can sort by a technology keyword like 5G Dev net Data Center Enterprise architecture it iot

      there might be Optical programmability routing just some high level ones there might be some specific solution based tags as well like St access Dewayne secure X Etc but that's the technology keyword that you can filter on and the last one I want to talk about real quick

      is the Pastime

      and I'm not going to go into detail as I articulate the sessions hear what their past type is but there is two different paths types this year's explore pass an all-access pass and I want you to know that some sessions are to be available on both some sessions are only going to be available on what

      and you have to check that out and so I just I just

      you know give you a heads up I'm going to go through the session last that I have today and some of those might be scheduled sessions that you would have to schedule during the broadcast and you might have to have a specific past type wait maybe I paid

      past type to access that session whereas some sessions maybe just be free for everyone and then some session might be on the Explorer pass versus the all-access pass.

      [7:17] All right that was my my breakdown kind of real quick of how we can filter the catalog to fit your needs and now we're going to jump right into our sessions are network design

      focused sessions and we actually have a good number of them this time we have

      if I count real quick we have 33 33 Network design sessions for Cisco live US 20 21 alright so we're going to go and not any particular order actually we're going to alphabetical order based on the.

      Session ID so that's how we're going to break this out today the first one the first couple are all ACI in the session ID so it's BRK ACI and this one is - 1003 this is a CI Brownfield migration real world

      real world experiences and best practices so I think this is critical right and if you follow these before in years past

      I'm a big fan of Brownfield migrations

      and what happened what was the status what happened in that Brownfield migration what were the Lessons Learned what was done what became best practice and then how can you take that information apply it to your own

      ACI or if we bring it up to a vendor agnostic perspective software-defined data center Brownfield

      so go check that one out if you don't know anything about Sovereign find data center or even specifically ACI go check that one out it's going to have some good real-world best practices lessons learned about Brownfield migrations from a data center fabric.

      [8:47] All right next one is BRK ACI - 2008 this is end-to-end policy from the campus to the data center and back a packet Journey.

      SDA to a CI so that's kind of a cool concept right and the reason why I added this is a really across architecture play so we have a CI

      which is at the data center Fabric and we have SDA soften access and the Lan or campus Fabric and so how do we go from one

      fabric to the other fabric but this is end-to-end policy and if you know these these protocols at a high-level they do things a little differently from a policy standpoint so how do we instantiate a true end-to-end policy between these two different


      [9:31] That right there is a lesson in itself even if you don't want to focus on The Cisco specific Solutions just knowing how to.

      Ensure policy enforcement and policy segregate segmentation and segregation between these different places in the network is critical.

      [9:49] Sorry our next one is BRK ACI 2398 this is ansible and terraform accelerating accelerating ACI

      deployments so you're going to see a good theme today there's a good number of Automation and death net devops programmability feel here I want to I want to get that across to everyone that

      while we're talking about Network design we have to include evolving Technologies

      because they haven't a huge implication on network design specifically programmability and Automation and so here we have ansible and terraform and it's not necessarily you need to know how to leverage these a hundred percent

      from a design perspective

      but you need to know the implications that they provide what capabilities do they give to your customers or to your company's your organization's and so this is a good case study I feel like that you can show you how to use the ansible and terraform and it really accelerates your deployments of the fabric of a CI.

      [10:46] Our next one is BRK a CI - 25.91 this is Datacenter journey to multi-cloud using Automation and ACI anywhere so there's a number of buzzwords here and one of them is multi-cloud so you're going to see if I can find a multiplied multi-cloud session I'm going to add it because it's like the new best thing everyone's talking about multi-cloud

      but I want you to understand what it truly is and what the implications are multi-cloud when you're designing a solution

      and someone says I need multi-cloud what does that mean what does it mean from a culture a governance perspective.

      What does it mean if they don't have it what's the impact to their organization if they don't have multi-cloud but in.

      [11:25] On a follow-on to that and it may not necessarily be included in this session but I want to follow on to that is that when they have multi-cloud are they building their applications and away they can actually be leveraged and multi-cloud world

      because if you build applications that leverage proprietary Cloud capabilities you can't be in a multi-cloud world

      you're the refactor your application refactor that code so you have to be very clear your application development process has to have a way almost like a middleware to.

      Build its application with things that are part of the application functions methods whatever and then you have a middleware that connection to the

      provided Cloud environments features and so you can detach the decoupling or the hard coating of those proprietary features the proprietary Cloud features

      into that code base so you can move between the different Cloud vendors so you can move between AWS and Azure and Google and whoever whatever Cloud out there but you know in ten years from now all the different Cloud providers you want to build a move between them we're talking about multi-cloud.

      So our next one here is BRK Arc - 2018 this is our your endpoints trustworthy

      who are your endpoints truthful swear they know another not they're never going to be trustworthy so that's just the jab but the point of this session here this is going to be really focused on.

      [12:46] Identity and zero trust.

      Zero trust architecture and how to ensure that you can trust your endpoints what do you need to do to trust or endpoints what do you need to

      to have are you going to profile the devices or going to authorize and authenticate the users in the devices and then how are you going to identify them and put them into a trust category that makes sense for you

      and zero trust is huge.

      And endpoint trustworthiness is huge so if you don't know nothing about those poor those those topics are going to be a couple more sessions in this list today that will talk about zero trust as well that you should follow your trust is a very very big architecture.

      [13:23] Framework that you all should know B RK C LD - 2027 this is a Lessons Learned by infrastructure Engineers running production

      apps on kubernetes kubernetes so

      why like Lessons Learned I think we've all talked about that in the past if we can find something that has some lessons learned and it's a good use case let's do it now this is cloud so this is going to be a

      Cloud Focus session the probably focusing on kubernetes in the cloud and running production apps that way

      but good Lessons Learned in this could help you when you make design decisions.

      [13:57] Our next one here is B RK C LD - 2036 AI Ops infrastructure as code and application optimization everyone these days is throwing infrastructure as code out there so

      I think we as designers as Network designers we need to know what the implications are of infrastructure as code but more importantly how do we properly teller organ in organization

      how to set that up right because that's the implications there they probably never done infrastructures called before

      how do they set that up what does it what are the governance what are the culture what are the processes how do they start doing agile Frameworks or komban

      pipeline Frameworks RC IC D I mean the list keeps going on and on and on but the point is that

      as a network designer you should know these things and be able to explain them from a capability standpoint to your user base to your customers and to your organization.

      [14:50] Our next one is BRK C LD - 208.

      [14:54] It Ops in the devops world how do you lies inter-site kubernetes and terraform to converge the world

      so this is actually a pretty similar one that's mixing a opposites mixing it Ops it's mixing kubernetes terraform so again this is kind of an overlap one if you have to choose one of these I would choose either this one.


      The other one I had kubernetes in it the CLD - 2027 so these are kind of some some overlap sessions but again it's it Ops.

      And it's all about inter-site kubernetes and terraform again to converge the worlds

      all right next to are going to be on a Cisco on Cisco so this first one is BRK COC - 2001 this is Cisco trecek

      Cisco IDs journey to a secure remote working experience again I told you the major themes here we're going to focus on zero trust right so this is a great

      a great topic it's zero trust Focus but it's also a good case study it's just go on Cisco so this is a real case study of how Cisco implemented zero trust for

      that's user base so I would definitely highlight this one I would definitely prioritize this session and knock it out because you're going to get so much out of it from a Lessons Learned and capabilities perspective and also a good understanding of how do you

      deploy and govern zero trust.

      [16:21] So our next COC our next Cisco on Cisco is where's the rubber where the rubber meets the road customer zeros journey to multi-site SD access or SDA

      this one's going to be focused on SDA specifically multi-site I haven't seen a lot of these in my experience so I think it makes sense to do how would you deploy a multi-site campus Fabric and we want to highlight that what are the lessons learn what are the best practices what have we learned throughout that process.

      [16:50] And maybe there was some some can challenge is right where there's some challenges or constraints so how do we come around those challenges and constraints.

      [17:00] What's our next four are going to be data center networking focus dcn and this first one is BRK dcn - 2003

      and its data center operations and maintenance best practices again another best practice one but how do we maintain how we operate how we do o&m work in the data center space.

      [17:18] All right next one is BRK dcn - 2453

      Cloud Network designs integrating with modern Computing storage in the data center so how do we convert how do we merge both on-prem and cloud data centers right because the cloud is really an Essence a Data Center and how do we integrate them

      between eight on-prem compute and storage data center right so that's a good use case it could design understanding there for everyone to know.

      Our next one is be arkady C&S 3003 this is Advanced case studies on troubleshooting vxlan bgp evpn multi-site I think I do this whenever here I don't think we get enough

      the ex land

      bgp evpn content out there so every year I pretty much have this session out there or something very similar and I think it's something that is hypercritical my new buzzword hypercritical for all of us to learn all of us to understand and to work with because again vxlan

      is the underlying protocol between a lot of different software to find Solutions being vendor agnostic it's everywhere these days so if we don't know how to use vxlan bgp evpn that's a problem and we need to learn it right especially its designers we don't need we don't need to know how to deploy it

      let me be very clear we as designers do not need to know how to deploy the protocol we need to know how to.

      Design the protocol and one of the best ways is to know how

      the problems come up with a protocol when we have to troubleshoot it what do we have to troubleshoot how do we fix it right that's what that's about.

      [18:47] Bjarke dcn - 300 for advanced qos troubleshooting using case studies on Nexus Cloud scale

      Asics hey if we can get something about qos in here troubleshooting qos I don't know about you but qos was always one of my issues I always had issues with qos so.

      I don't do it on a daily basis and I don't deploy qos everyday I don't troubleshoot it every day and so I need these Refreshers I need to go back through me like okay

      let me go back to the qos book the end and Qs design our book and figure out okay what am I missing what did I forget and so this is good because how do we troubleshoot qos and this is me case studies now it's going to be focused on Nexus platform and the Asics but I think you can decouple it I think you can decouple the vendor lock-in there and focus on the qos

      aspects in the troubleshooting around that qos.

      Alright so our next to our Dev that focused yes we have some Dev that sessions this year in the list the first ones a beer KDE V and that's

      - 1001 Dev net the power of debt devops from customers to Partners all right so I put this in here because.

      [19:52] I put the Delta sessions in here because we need to know how to leverage programmability automation as design.

      Decisions and in capabilities that we can provide our customers because they provide a lot of capabilities a lot of benefit

      actually a lot of return on their investment a lot of

      reducing a level of effort a lot of compliance Automation and that's just a couple of things so this one here is focused on the power of net devops right so what is the value what is the impact of net devops and you're going to hear from the customers and partners perspective

      so I think that's kind of helpful to give you a good understanding of what the impact is what we've been talking about for months on different shows.

      [20:38] And then the follow-on 1/2 that is B RK D EV - 2003 this is definite contact tracing

      using your network as a sensor so think of this we're all dealing with covid and depend demek how do we do contact tracing.

      [20:54] How do we do contract racing and we're going to we're going to leverage Dev net in Automation and programmability

      and our Network as a sensor to help us with contact raising the idea is awesome I love it so that could be a great UK's use case a great understanding of how to merge automation into a real a real a real world

      example use case.

      [21:18] Alright so our next one is BRK EMT - 210 to this is real-world use cases for deploying an operating Cisco SD access hey again real world man that's all I care about what is the real world impact what are we doing

      what are the use cases what is putting done how do we make sure this is successful forget about best practices I want to know what happened in the while I want to know what happened with that customer what were their pain points what were their lessons learned

      how I mean sure I don't hit the issues that they hit the problems they hit the channel just stay here and how I make sure things are successful that's it that's it that's it in a nutshell.

      [21:52] Our next couple are going to be Enterprise Solutions.

      [21:55] Actually next three the next three BRK ens - 2003 and a price campus bgp evpn

      deep dive so a lot of people don't realize but you can run bgp evpn without vxlan and you can actually do it in the Enterprise so this could be a great use case of some solutions where you want to do some sort of easy PN like

      deployment in for the campus side of things so I think this is good to take the protocol Take It Outside of where people normally see it.

      [22:25] And provide a way that it can be leveraged and another place to network or another non conformed place in the network and and

      and get it to work another example not highlighted in these sessions it's like spine Leaf architectures everyone thinks the spine Leaf architecture is just a data center architecture.

      And while it is right it is Data Center architecture and it's kind of the go-to architecture these days you can actually use spline leaf and every other place to network if you want you can use it campus you can use it

      in service provider pod designer pop designs layer want level one layer level to pop designs so you can use spine leaf architectures and a lot of different places it's not just a data center architecture.

      Our next one is BRK ens - 2007

      top design questions for Cisco SD access hey if we could highlight some quote design questions why not highlight them right like this is huge what are those top design questions that we should all know is that were designers specifically around SD access and campus land or campus fabric designs I mean who.

      This is great I can't wait to see this session I'm excited about that

      give me some those top design questions I can ask all my customers right can you imagine the implications there you're going to get a whole list of questions runbook if you will and how to ask them with your customers that's awesome.

      [23:38] Our next one is beer kns - 3000 3000 Lessons Learned From deployment of large-scale multi-domain IBN architectures and S dasd landed a CI well that is a mouthful.

      But the implications are so huge because we're talking about every fabric

      talking about the campus fabric the wide area network fabric the data center fabric we're just not talking about Cloud there but we're talking about large scale multi-domain and Lessons Learned

      of course I'm going to highlight that one that's the closest thing that we're going to find to a true enterprise-wide unified Network Fabric and so let's highlight it let's discuss it and we should have found one that had cloud in it but we don't have one right now we should add one that has Cloud next time because that would be huge SDA sty nací en Cloud it's like everything right and then we got to add zero trust on top of that and then we got a full truly and unified Network fabric picture

      but Lessons Learned right multi-domain all those different Fabrics interacted with one another let's do it.

      [24:35] All right next one is BRK ENT - 1444 enable the safe return.

      To office with smart buildings so we all we all want to go back to the office why do I don't know about you I want to go back to the office I want to go back to traveling

      but I wanted to be safe I want to be safe I want to know that I'm not going to get sick

      and so this one's all about how do we make sure people can return to the office to the buildings and we're going to be smart buildings for that smart buildings like iot based things so that's a good one that's a I would definitely highlight that one for sure especially iot iot is becoming such a huge.

      Capability architecture driven technology framework that we should all know and designed for.

      [25:17] Next one is beer ke W end 2040 high-availability design with Cisco Catalyst 9800 wireless controllers so I'm not

      I don't want you to focus on the wireless controllers a Cisco specific wireless controllers per se but I do want you to focus on the high available.

      High availability design right the high availability of a Wi-Fi design and it might just be focused on the Catalyst controllers the 898 hundreds but the key here that I'm trying to make is that take what you learn there and apply it right or agnostically across the board.

      Our next was another wireless one it's BRK ewn - 2051 Catalyst Wireless.

      Optimize your wireless network for real-time and mobile clients so I don't know about you I don't do a lot of Wireless.

      [26:04] I know a lot about Wireless I've done a lot of wires over the years but I don't do wireless on a day-to-day or even a month to month

      it's usually an off case rights use the okay hey we got this huge deployment and it's a campus deployment or it's a stadium deployment where it's you know this large campus architecture high bandwidth High dense high demand

      and so it's extremely complex so this is a good one to we're going to optimize your wireless network for Real Time real time in Mobile clients so real-time data

      there's some a lot of implications there and then mobile clients and less focused on the mobile clients more focus on that real-time data right how do we get that real-time data from point A to point B

      think video

      I think voice anything that requires real time convert real-time interaction and getting data from point A to point B and this is Wireless right optimize your wireless for that.

      [26:54] Our next one is an iot session its BRK iot - 200

      2007 there we go connected and intelligent roadways so again here's a good use case architecture focus on it understand the capabilities of iot in this architecture and then apply that capability

      that framework that architecture to every iot thing you can think of.

      All right where appropriate to mind you but we need to know iot we need to know iot we need to know the architecture and the use cases around iot.

      [27:25] All right we're going into our Optical our Optical.

      Conversations are sessions and here we have BRK opt - 1003 open dwdm systems and use cases so of course I'm going to have a dwdm session on here right

      I just think that's a lost I think that's a difficult concept and not many people leverage it right it's very itchy.

      It's very out there not a lot of people do dwdm work now we all probably have a dwdm circuits but that doesn't mean we actually manage or deploy

      or implement or know all the dwdm use cases and so as you're going with your design decisions

      you're going through your design situations if you can learn dwdm in the capabilities and the use cases it provides and solves problems it solves then you can be leveraged dwdm as Solutions across the board.

      [28:19] And think of how you do

      redundant Rings parallel rings and then your bandwidth how can you increase your bandwidth how could you do that on the Fly I mean let's see

      the implications are large our second Optical session is BRK opt - 2010 routed

      Optical networking Solutions so I just picked this because I like that I like the idea of it I read the description I read the name and I was like Hey routed Optical networking solution I want to hear all about this so you know you pick that if you want to hear it too again it may be something that you need it may not be something you need use your I would say reserve the right to not take it

      reserve the right to not take any of these if they don't fit your your areas of focus but these are the short list ones right and this is on that short list for sure.

      [29:08] So I was kind of on the fence on this one it's a security the next couple our security Focus ones this is beer K SEC for security and it's to 105.

      This is zero trust for workloads now there was a zero trust session zero trust sessions for workloads and applications pretty much for everything there's so many zero trust sessions now and I put this one here but I kind of was like maybe I shouldn't because I didn't do the others

      so this one zero trust for workloads its segmentation from the remote user to the application few simple steps because that's what truly matters nowadays as how do we maintain segmentation.

      And Trust for our remote users to the applications and services that are running

      it's no longer the network infrastructure per se the network infrastructure is the underlying transport and we share those security controls on it and there's going to be security functions and availability and capabilities on it but

      how do we ensure that our applications and are remote users are segmented right and in our secure and are authorized.

      [30:11] Our second security section or session not section as Bjork a sec - 2415 and this one is the future of network security

      is in the cloud with Cisco sassy sassy yeah so if you don't know what says he is I would definitely get up to speed on that it is pretty awesome

      and we might have some future shows with some dedicated resources that focus on sassy so I would.

      I would keep your ears open but I would definitely focus on the session if you don't even know what it is I'm not even know I'm not even a Define the abbreviation for you so if you don't know what it is

      you need to watch this session right you need to watch this session right and I think this session actually happens to be a breakout session.

      There's a couple of them in here I don't I don't know them all by heart but this one happens to be a breakout session a broadcast breakout session sorry I broadcast breakout session.

      Alright our next three are SPG which is sp which service provider okay service provider General.

      Is BRK SPG - 2027 4G + 5 G for private networks of course of course

      what are we doing why are we creating we need to know how to do this we didn't know the implications of this for G and Phi G for a private networks yes please.

      [31:28] The next one is BRK sp-gda 2036 realize seamless n2n application-centric networking slicing

      distributed DC Fabric and Sr mpls when integration so many words so much going on here realize seamless end-to-end

      application-centric Network slicing so segmentation right application based segmentation but then we're talking about the data center fabric we're talking about segment routing

      mpls when integration I mean it's got it all for the most part.

      It's got it all from a lan protocol perspective and service provider perspective so definitely if that's your

      area of expertise or if that is your area of weakness and you need to learn some more I would definitely take that session.

      [32:13] The next one is a beer KSP g - 2060 and this is another 5G session so

      the one the two of them before the two before BRK sp-gda 2027 was forging 504 private networks this one is a 5 G transport design strategies considerations and best practices so if you're doing any 5G

      design any 5G implementations from a service provider perspective I would definitely highlight taking this session.

      [32:42] Alright our last three sessions on this list are going to be customer

      success stories oh yes so excited about these and I saved them for last because of my excitement and passion about these types this session type so.

      [32:59] The first one is what I'm more

      more excited about riot games is powering the future of Esports with Cisco cloud and data center Technologies this is identified as CSS CLD

      that's 100 3 so it's customer success story in the cloud see all these Cloud I would dedicate your time to this is a broadcast

      session so you're going to figure out if you have it and what time it is but I would definitely focus on

      this session and I'm a big video game I love video games I love online Esports games I watch them all the time in my free time and so Riot games very familiar with Riot games very much with feel familiar with Esports.

      I'm extremely excited about watching this specific.

      [33:42] The next one is CSS ens - 100 1 so that's again a customer success story in its Enterprise Solutions this is how to modernize our how to modernize your network for the future so I was interested by the name alone

      I want to see where this is going I want to see what that future state looks like what does that future state for me for everyone right because it's kind of a generalized session I want to know what it is.

      It's also broadcast sessions going to figure out what time it starts in your time zone.

      [34:10] Our last and final our last and final Cisco live us 2021 Network design session focused Network design session is CSS SPG.

      So customer success story and it's spgs service provider General this is.

      1012 automation case study for tier one service provider so now we're taking Automation and service writer large-scale networks let's just call it large-scale networks right

      Tier 1 Tier 1 SP as the like the largest and biggest service providers are going to find and we're adding automation

      we're adding automation this is a case study this is a real world case study now this is an anytime session so you don't necessarily know when it is I don't know if it's a page recession or it's afraid so I shall cut my hand but I would definitely definitely focus on that session.

      [35:03] So my friends

      that is our list that is our Cisco live u.s. 2021 Network design sessions listed all right they're all ready to go for you 34 sessions actually 33 sessions not 34 I have a header in my Excel document here that I'm looking at so we have 30

      three sessions for you truly amazing

      go ahead and reserve the right to say no I don't need this I don't need to focus on that but I'm going to focus on these or I'm going to focus on service provider I want to focus on the 5 G or automation or zero trust we had it all we had it all today

      hey friends nerds geeks and ziglets that's going to close out today's episode of the zigbits network design podcast or we talk through our Cisco live 2021

      Network design session let's remember it's a network design focused session list for Cisco live 2021 Today's Show notes will be at zigbits dot text

      in case you missed it

      at the beginning of today's show we have opened up the doors to my network design course and we're calling it it's called designing Network architectures and ensuring

      business success

      so it's designing Network architectures and Sharing business success if you are interested to hear more about my course and are ready to enroll right now right this second visit zigbits dot text last DNA now don't forget to use the discount code.

      [36:26] Best network designer besides what we're going to be best network designer all one word all caps at checkout to save 10% that discount code is good until April 30th

      hey we have our monthly giveaway still going on today is the last day of the March 20 21 giveaway remember this was a joint give away with dwan Lightwood

      Erica Cooper we are giving away five copies of the network Warrior by Gary Donahue

      that is correct that is right you heard it we are still giving away five different copies these are going to go to five different winners this month check out the hashtag

      zigbits March 20 21 giveaway and to join that real-time conversation on Twitter and get into the giveaway right now you have only hours left the link for all the details of that giveaway is zigbits dot text last giveaway

      hey if there's something you would like us to give away in the near future let us know we're always looking for ideas my friends so send us a note on Twitter on LinkedIn join the Discord server and send us a note as well.

      [37:23] Hey I'm not Discord server topic if you want to have live Network design conversations you want to have some qas right now

      joining the zigbits Discord can be I promise you it is free and there are a ton of Highly skilled experts ready to help you with your network design questions and just to talk and discuss these things hey if you want to join it right now

      good as it gets that text is Discord and again it is 100% free community.

      If you like today's episode let us know you can find more zigbits network engineering Network design and network architecture content including technical podcast monthly webinars YouTube videos and a dedicated community on Discord

      all of this what I just mentioned is currently free content.

      [38:05] Find all of this and much more at zigbits. Tech you can follow us on Twitter at zigbits and find us on LinkedIn.

      [38:12] Sign up for are we free Weekly Newsletter the network design digest filled with the best network design content and network engineering at zigbits dot text last

      choose letter as always I appreciate you and I thank you for listening remember don't forget to attack your goals

      attack the day attack your life and make progress my friends until next time bye for now.

      Come hangout with Zig and the rest of the Zigbits community in our Discord Server.

      Check out our current Zigbits giveaway here. Free is my favorite color! I love free stuff and I hope you do as well!

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