Today’s topic is a real automation use case with all of the good, bad, and ugly that goes with a production environment – how Automating The Entire Canadian Parliament Precinct Network happened from start to finish.

Today’s topic is a real automation use case with all of the good, bad, and ugly that goes with a production environment – how Automating The Entire Canadian Parliament Precinct Network happened from start to finish.
Parliament Precinct Network – A True Enterprise Network Design Use Case covering Campus, Wide Area Network, Data Center, Cloud, and Security.
This is a Design Use Case, a true Design Case Study!
I am joined by John Capobianco to give us a deep dive of this massive transformation from a legacy Nortel network into a world-class Cisco Network including a 50 building campus; 500 WAN sites, a DMZ perimeter with firewalls and security devices, active/active data centers, and a ton of new services like Wifi and VoIP.
So Stick around. Here we go!
For today’s Zigbits Network Design Podcast we start a Design Case Study Series with my friend Daren Fulwell. In this first installment we set the stage for this Design Case Study Series, highlighting the constraints, requirements, and over arching architecture model used to solve the business priorities and business outcomes the customer was looking to achieve. Lets dive into it now!