Keeping it Simple Stupid – Network Design Principle Simplicity – ZNDP 079

Here I talk about Keeping it simple stupid… AKA KISS! Simplicity is a Network Design Principle, and it includes managing the complexity level of the network designs we are creating. I go into some detail on this network design principle with real-world, raw examples in this show. This is a must listen to episode for all Network Engineers, Network Designers, and Network Architects!

Check it out!

Designing The Next Gen Parliament Precinct Network with John Capobianco – ZNDP 075

Parliament Precinct Network – A True Enterprise Network Design Use Case covering Campus, Wide Area Network, Data Center, Cloud, and Security.

This is a Design Use Case, a true Design Case Study!

I am joined by John Capobianco to give us a deep dive of this massive transformation from a legacy Nortel network into a world-class Cisco Network including a 50 building campus; 500 WAN sites, a DMZ perimeter with firewalls and security devices, active/active data centers, and a ton of new services like Wifi and VoIP.

So Stick around. Here we go!

The Shift in Availability - Network Design Principle Availability - ZDNP 069

The Shift in Availability – Network Design Principle Availability – ZNDP 069

This is a solo show. Just me myself and I! Also, this was super early in the morning when I recorded it, 2 am to be exact so you will probably find me pretty funny or crazy.

Here I talk about the shift in availability over the years. Availability is a Network Design Principle but I don’t talk about the legacy information all too much and what you should be doing from an availability perspective like reliability and resilience. Hopefully, you are doing those things. Specifically, I am talking about the market shift on availability and what the focus is now. Check it out!

Top 7 Design Use Cases

ZNDP 054 – The Top 7 Design Use Cases you need to know about to have a great Design Mindset!

Today, We are going to highlight the Top 7 Design Use Cases you need for a great Design Mindset.

Above all else, your mindset is the most important item in Network Design. Your Design Mindset!! Knowing technology is critical but it is the easy portion. We can put in the effort and time to learn what we don’t know from a technology perspective. A lot of people that create Network Designs do not have a proper Design Mindset. Most of us are not taught the proper design mindset until later in our careers.