ZNDP 024 – Ask Zig – How much depth should be covered to be an expert?

Hey Friends, Nerds, and Geeks out there, we have an Ask Zig episode.  Shahzad on twitter asked “In regards to CCIE what is your take on expert of a given topic. In other words how much depth should be covered?”.  This is a great question that we are going to answer it in this episode!  Find your favorite spot to listen, get some note taking material if you need, and lets get this show started!

Einstein Time…You are Time!

Over the last week I have been listening to the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks which was a huge suggestion by Cliff Ravenscraft, The Podcast Answerman.  You can find all of Gay’s content on his website at Hendricks.com.  You can find a quick list of Gay’s publications here.  You can check out all of Cliff’s content on his website at Podcastanswerman.com. 

There are a number of huge take away’s from Gay’s book The Big Leap which I will be talking about over the next few months or so as I fully peel back each area within his book to properly implement in my life.